In the digital era, small and medium-sized enterprises (smes) have been found in the internet as a fertile field for the growth and expansion of their businesses. However, with all the advantages offered by the digital age, they also entail significant risks. Cybercriminals, taking advantage of the lack of action from cybersecurity appropriate, view smes as a target vulnerable to their attacks. In this blog, we will explore the risks and provide practical advice on how to protect your business in the digital world.

Section 1: Understanding the risks of cyber security for smes

Smes are exposed to various cyber threats that can jeopardize their survival, and reputation. Among the main risks are the ransomware, a malware that hijacks your data and demands a ransom to recover them; phishing, a technique that seeks to deceive employees to obtain confidential information; the data theft, which can lead to the loss of intellectual property or customer information; and internal threats, where disgruntled employees or negligent may compromise the security.

Section 2: basic Steps for cyber security for smes

Implement basic measures of cyber security can make a big difference in protecting your business. Here are some actions you can take:

  1. Secure passwords, and their management: Make sure that all accounts and devices with strong passwords and unique. Consider using a password manager to facilitate the administration.
  2. Update and patch software: Keep all software and systems up to date with the latest security patches to prevent known vulnerabilities.
  3. Use firewalls and antivirus software: Install and configure firewalls and antivirus software on all computers and devices to block potential threats.
  4. Policies for access and authentication: Set access policies that restrict sensitive information only to those employees who need it. Use two-factor authentication (2FA) whenever possible.
  5. Education and awareness of staff in cybersecurity: Train your employees on security best practices and how to identify potential attacks.

Section 3: Protecting the information of customers and employees

The protection of the data of your customers and employees should be a priority. Here are some suggestions:

  1. The importance of protecting sensitive data: Stores the sensitive information of your customers and employees securely and make sure that you only have access to authorized personnel.
  2. Compliance with the data protection regulations: Be sure to comply with local regulations on data protection, as the General Regulation of Data Protection (GDPR) in the European Union.
  3. Encryption methods: Uses encryption to protect data in transit and at rest, in a way that can only be read by those who have the corresponding keys.

Section 4: backup and recovery of data

To prevent an attack is crucial, but you should also be prepared to recover in the event of an incident. Here we will show you how to:

  1. Perform periodic backups: Make regular backups of your data and store them in a secure location outside of the network.
  2. Strategies for the recovery of data: Develops a data recovery plan that includes clear steps to restore the information in case of an attack.

Section 5: Cybersecurity and teleworking

With the rise of telework, the security of the devices and the information has become even more critical. Here are some tips to protect your business in a remote work environment:

  1. Protect the devices: Make sure that the devices used for remote work have security software updated and enable features such as remote locking and deletion of data in case of theft or loss.
  2. Collaboration tools safe: Used tools of secure communication and collaboration to encrypt data and provide authentication functions.

Section 6: Keep up to date on cybersecurity

Cybersecurity is a field in constant evolution, therefore it is vital to stay informed on the latest threats and solutions:

  1. Follow best practices and tips: Follow the recommendations of the experts in cyber security and government agencies dedicated to this topic.
  2. Participate in training courses: Encourage your team to participate in training courses and workshops on cybersecurity to improve their skills and knowledge.


Cybersecurity for smes is an investment imperative in today's digital world. To protect your systems, data and information of your customers, you'll be ensuring the continuity and confidence in your business. Implements the basic measures mentioned in this blog and stay updated on the latest trends in cybersecurity to ensure a safe environment for your online business. Don't wait any longer, protect your business and avoid being a victim of cybercriminals!

Johan Zambrano Dueñas

Engineer Pre-Sales